We are excited to welcome Pastor Paul Adams as the new Lead Pastor of Eastgate Church! With over 15 years of experience in pastoral leadership, Pastor Paul is a Spirit-filled leader who deeply loves people and passionately teaches God’s Word. He and his wife, Rachel, have prayed for a church like Eastgate and are thrilled to join our family. Together, we stand firm in faith, believing in the promise of Haggai 2:9: "The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And in this place, I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty.

Message from Pastor Paul

Get to know Pastor Paul


I grew up in church my whole life. I was first saved when I was 9 years old. However, when I entered my senior year of high school I rebelled, and due to church hurt, decided I wanted nothing to do with God. Through a series of events, I ended up at my grandfather’s church in Bardstown Kentucky. That night Lee University Campus Choir was leading the service. The conviction I felt and the drawing of the Holy Spirit was overwhelming. When the salvation call was given I decided to turn my whole life back over to Jesus. In that moment I was forever changed, and I’ve been pursuing and following Jesus ever since.


I felt called to full-time ministry while attending Lee University and serving as a volunteer at Mount Olive Church of God.  I was helping in a kids service when a spontaneous moment of worship broke out. Unprompted, the kids began to lift their hands and cry out to God. In that moment I heard the Holy Spirit whisper that I was called to be a pastor. My mentor advised me to pray and make sure I heard the Lord correctly. So, for the first time in my life, I fasted and prayed for 21 days. During my fast, I felt an overwhelming peace that I was called to be a pastor. And I felt prompted to begin to pursue that calling immediately. I dropped out of in-person school and switched to an online program. This allowed me to first intern full-time and then take my first ministry position. I have pastored ever since.


My commitment to God has always been a willingness to go wherever He calls me. This has led to me serving in some of the largest churches in America. And it has allowed me to serve, learn, and grow under some of the most influential pastors in the church world. These leaders trained me in speaking, leadership development, pastoral care, vision casting, church metrics/growth, system/structure creation, church health, and spiritual care. Their mentoring has helped me become a pastor who knows how to shepherd and lead toward growth.  I have also had the unique opportunity of serving in almost every area of the church. I have led everything from family ministry, to worship, social media, groups, teaching, and missions. In each area I have a proven track record of growth. I believe God has been a part of each step for the purpose of me one day becoming a Lead Pastor.


In looking at the church, hearing the history, and talking to various leaders I believe Eastgate is positioned to grow and do amazing things within the Cumming community. We as a family are excited about the area and the opportunity to be a part of a spirit-led community. I’m excited about the facilities, the team, and the excitement that is evident online. Through social media, I can tell that the church operates like a family that loves one another, the Lord, and their community. In many ways, Eastgate is the exact type of church me and my wife have prayed to be a part of.


My father, Dr. Tony Adams, my grandfather, Pastor Bill Adams, and my other grandfather, Pastor Nathan Kelch are my greatest influences. I can’t just mention one as they each have played a vital role in me becoming the man and pastor I am today. My grandfather, Pastor Nathan Kelch, served as a lead pastor and small business owner until the day he died. He taught me the meaning of faithfulness even in tough times. My grandfather, Pastor Bill Adams has been a lead pastor and served all over the United States. He taught me what it means to follow the Lord’s leading even when it doesn’t make sense to anyone else.  And my father, Dr. Tony Adams, still serves as a pastor, business owner, and professor in Michigan. He has shown me what it means to trust God and lead as a pastor, father, and husband.

Meet the Adams Family

I am married to Rachel Adams. She has served alongside me at every church. This includes stints as an Events Director and Connections Director. In addition to her work in the church, she has also worked as a Paraprofessional in public schools, working with students with learning challenges. We met at Redemption Point Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We have been married for almost 14 years. We have three daughters. My oldest is Ariel. She is almost 13 years old. Ariel is an avid reader, singer, and amazing leader to her younger siblings. Our middle daughter is Abigail. She is 11. Abigail loves art, video games, and spending time with her friends. Our youngest is Amelia. She is 6. Amelia loves Barbies, ballet, and bossing her sisters around. We are a family that loves Disney trips, board games, and movie nights.